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  1. Recently Microsoft updated their Defender antivirus system and this is currently negatively affecting some Vision users. We have been in touch with Microsoft but at this stage we do not have clear idea when the problem will be resolved.

    There is nothing we can change inside of Vision to bypass this issue – we simply have to wait for Microsoft to resolve the problem and update the Defender software. Please see figure 1 underneath to be re-assured that Vision is safe to use.

    Quite a few other apps have been affected by this change as you can read at the bottom of this email – see figure 2.

     Not all Vision users are affected by this issue. However if you notice Vision running slowly with your Windows system with Vision screens being slow to change (perhaps up to 10 seconds each time) then currently there are 2 ways to overcome this issue:-

    1. You can replace this Windows Defender software with alternative antivirus software. One alternative we can suggest is the BitDefender software anti-virus software. This is very well regarded and has the advantage of being free. This means you could install BitDefender while the problem persists and then revert back to Microsoft's Defender should you wish tto do so. You can use this link to download and install:

    2. You can stay with the Windows Defender software and tell it not to check the Vision app for viruses each time it runs. To do this type the word ‘virus’ into the Windows search bar at the bottom of your screen. Then choose ‘Virus & Threat Protection’. (as shown here):


     Click this and scroll down the next screen. Under the heading ‘Virus & Threat Protection Settings’ click ‘Manage Settings’.

    Scroll down the next screen and under the heading ‘Exclusions’ click ‘Add or remove exclusions’

    Click ‘Add an exclusion’ – then Folder

    On your hard disk, C drive, find the Vision2 folder, click it and then click ‘Select Folder’. When selected your screen should look like this:


    This procedure tells Defender not to check Vision each time you start it and will resolve the current issue.

    We are sorry that Microsoft have caused this issue and are inconveniencing you. Once they have corrected their software and issued an update your Vision software will revert back to normal.

    Miccant Homeopathic Software

    Figure 1


    Figure 2





  2. Another free upgrade to Vision is available. This new upgrade provides performance improvements, fixes issues reported to us since the prior release in March and offers 2 new repertories for purchase with Vision! 

    Compete Repertory 2024 edition has been released and the brand new Saine Repertory is also available.

    If you use Windows then your Vision should automatically have been updated to this new version which is numbered v2.0008. If this version is not displaying on the top left corner of your Vision then you can update by clicking the Help menu in Vision and then 'Check for upgrades'

    If you use Mac then this new version is numbered v2.008. You will need to download this from the Downloads page of this website and install it as usual.


  3. Released for use with Vision on October 1st 2024 this new repertory aims to provide far more accurate repertorisation analysis by using only researched and proven repertory content.

    Essentially, the Saine Repertory strips out of the Complete Repertory many of the newly proven remedies that have little to no supportive case evidence  and adds back in only additions that have been researched in our literature and been shown to be effective.

    It is based on the original and beloved Complete Repertory 4.5 and so has none of the structural chapter and rubric organisation changes made to Complete over the recent years.

    This repertory is available to purchase as an option for use with your Vision system and claims to improve the accuracy of your prescriptions.

    To purchase a copy for your Vision system click here

    To read more about this repertory and the project supporting it click here


  4. Introduced in Vision version 2.0007.004 in WinVision and version 2.0008 in MacVision this edition of the Complete is available as an option to purchase with Vision.

    The author also offers a chargeable upgrade to Complete 2024 at an attractive price to users of previous versions.

    To buy a new copy of Complete click here.
    To upgrade your current Complete to the 2024 edition click here.

    What's new and improved?

    This edition is a result of the large amount of available additions (from January-May 2024 118.934 additions were made from 1072 sources):

    1. The usual verification work of adding Rx from clinical cases (many sources, including MMPP data – see following parapgraph) into Complete Repertory 2024 rev. I has also continued. Therefore, although a lot of new provings data was entered, the percentage of clinical information (cured cases) represented some repertories and still on par with Complete Repertory 2024 previous editions. We focused on clinical cases based on the remedies from the new provings and many older cases, prescribing smaller remedies.

    As a result higher grades frequently apply for many of these remedies in the repertory, leading to better analytical results in repertorization and therefore better results in practice.

    2. Additions from the Materia Medica Pura project (MMP project) by André Saine and a dedicated group of colleagues, (24.658 extra additions). The initial work was started 25+ years ago by André, with data exchange between André and me(Roger van Zandvoort), however that exchange was postponed –but has now been revived and completed.

    3. From Provings published in the last 70+ years, 56 provings were added by Dr. Rajesh Rajendran. 

    Additions have been made from these provings:

  5. Another free upgrade is available for all Vision v2 users. V2.0007 is for both Windows & Mac. It contains:

    Keyboard Shortcuts
    For those who like to use the keys to make things happen more quickly we have added lots of key shortcuts for you to use. You can read about these shortcuts once you have updated to v2.0007 by clicking the Help menu in Vision and then selecting Keyboard shortcuts.

    Repertorisation Chart
    We have made lots of improvements to the repertorisation chart

    Automatic saving of your settings
    If you change the settings on your chart, for example, the Analysis type, Order, or Filters, Vision will remember these and automatically set them up for you the next time you start Vision.

    Show only number of rubrics
    It is now possible to suppress the display of boxes denoting Kingdom Colours and Remedy Grade Totals. This is provided for those users who wish to focus solely on the number of rubrics each remedy covers in the case without the distraction of other coloured boxes. You can access and set these in the Preferences option for the Chart. Here is an example from MacVision:

    New Blend feature
    Vision can now remember your favourite settings in the Chart. All you need do is make the changes to your favourite settings and click the Save Blend button the toolbar of the Chart. Thereafter, if you make any amendments to those settings and want to quickly go back to your regular, favourite settings just click the Restore Blend button. Here is a screenshot from WinVision:

    All of the keys on your keyboard now control the display of the Chart in the way you would expect. You can use the arrow keys to scroll Left and Right through the remedies and Up and Down the list of rubrics. The End and Home buttons take you instantly to very first or last remedy in the Chart.

    Improved way of finding a remedy on the Chart
    In Windows you can now start typing letters to make Vision jump to the first remedy that matches what you are loking for. If you were looking for Sepia somewhere in your Chart just quickly type SEP and press the Enter key to make Vision jump to it.

    In Mac you must firstly use the keyboard combo of Ctrl+R and then type as described above.

    This is a much quicker way of finding remedies compared to the previous method (find remedy in the chart toolbar) or scrolling through the entire list.

    Version 2.0007 will be automatically updated on Windows systems (if you give permission of course). Mac users will need to download v2.0007 from here

  6. A free upgrade is available for all Vision v2 users. V2.0006 is for both Windows & Mac. It contains:

    New Covid Repertory - from Jeremy Sherr
    New AIDS Repertory - from Jeremy Sherr
    Keynotes for Bach Flower Remedies

    Above are provided free of charge and included in every v2.0006 upgrade.

    Complete Repertory 2023 edition is also supported by this version of Vision. Once you have upgraded to v2.0006 you can purchase a new copy of Complete or upgrade your current copy of Complete to this new edition. 

    Features in v2.0006
    1. NEW:  A new 'quick search' of an entire repertory is available

    2. NEW 'Rule-Out' feature when repertorising 

    3. NEW: You can now add your own images and videos to any rubric in any repertory. 

    4 NEW: When using the Remedy Compare feature you can now click to obtain a chart showing the leading chapters found when you are working with a single remedy (click 'Chapter Distribution' icon on toolbar). 

    5. NEW: In the Remedies tab on the main Vision screen there is a new icon underneath the list of remedies that allows you to quickly see all the 'families' in the Vision database. This can help you read and learn about all the families. 

    6. FIXED: Minor corrections to Murphy's Repertory (adding in a few missing remedies) 

    7. FIXED: Restored the cross reference symbol in Complete Repertory after searching all reps and then browsing Complete 

    8. FIXED: On the Vision clipboard if your Vision is set to display 'no remedies', toggling the remedies on and off with the Spacebar key now correctly re-sizes the window

    To read more about this free upgrade and to download please click below:-

  7. When browsing the repertory you can now add your own images or videos to any rubric in any repertory. To add your own media file(s) select the rubric you wish to use and then either:

    Right click the mouse on the rubric (Windows) / Ctrl + Click (Mac). On the small menu that will be displayed you can select media and then whichever option is relevant. 


    When adding you can select any media file in a common format (e.g. JPG, PNG, MP3 or MP4 etc). After adding a media file then the next time you are borwsing the repertory a blue microphone symbol will be displayed next to the rubric to alert you to the presence of a media file.

    You could use this feature to explain a clinical rubric with either a photo or video for future reference. Or you could add a media file which might be a video of a case in which this rubric was a prominant feature...and so on.

  8. A new quick access feature is available in v2.0006 to make learning about families oF remedies a little easier. If you click on the Remedies tab to get a list of all the remedies in the Vision database there is now a new filter button under the tree:-

    Clicking this button will cause Vision to replace the alphabetical list of remedies with a display that shows all of the Families used in Vision. You can then browse and then click on any family to see information on the right side of the screen. Any information for the family you see displayed in blue and underlined is a clickable feature. To access any information Vision may have about any remedy click the classification information of the Family displayed in blue underline in the top left quadrant (you can use the taxanomical classifications in the first 3 rows e.g Lepidopetra or the common name of the Family  - Butterflies Moths in the example below):

    When you have selected a family you can also see a list of all remedies belonging to that family in the bottom right of the screen. And you can click any family member there to immediately 'jump' into that remedy to read more about it.

    Here is additional information on using Family data in Vision:

    You can use Vision to select a Family and get information on it as a learning exercise in addition to using Families in an analytical way when working cases

    Here are responses to previous questions in the previous version of Vision:

     "I was attending a webinar by J.Hardy on trees today and he was filtering out rubrics in that have minimum of 3 remedies in a family classification - is that possible in Vision? If so - how? Also can I filter out the same way some info just specifically on a family?"

    To do this click 'Comp Rx' on the toolbar, choose your repertory and chapter and then choose the Family to filter with (top right).  

    "Also, how can I access information on the family right away? I was thinking to check out Euphorbiaceae information and to see all the remedies in it. Went to Comp Rx but could not find that family in there. Are there different ways - see all rubrics, or just read on the family in general? Please help.

    In Vision we use Families to provide easy access to the families used in homeopathy using their common names in a simple, easy to scroll list. So you would scroll the list and select Spurges as this as the common name for Euphorbiaceae. We use ‘Kingdoms’ to provide a proper taxonomical hierarchical naming standard (APG4). So with Kingdoms you would need to choose the Plant kingdom, Eudicots and then you will see Euphorbiaceae

    There are a variety of other ways to access family info in Vision. Examples:

    If you have any rubric or group of rubrics selected in the repertory browse you can click the Families button in the toolbar to see the leading families for that condition/rubric:-


    Another obvious place is on the repertorisation chart where you can change the Presentation to Kingdom or Family (to show you the ‘leading’ families in your case):-

    abd you can drill down into any family by double clicking on any family bar:-

    and finally, a final double click on any remedy will take you to the materia medica of that remedy (if there is any mm data for that remedy).

    You can also select the Filters on the repertorisation chart to limit the display to only those rx in your desired family:-

    And you can also choose the Visionary chart in the Presentation drop down to display a ‘bubble graph’ of the leading rx in your case:

    On this chart the bigger the family 'bubble' more remedies of that family are in the case. The higher the bubble and the more to the left means that family is well indicated in your case. 

  9. In the Remedy Compare section of Vision you can now quickly see which chapters of the repertory a remedy is more present/represented in. 

    To access this run a Comp Rx for a remedy (use only 1 remedy to access this new feature!) in any repertory. 

    Once you are looking at all the rubrics your chosen remedy is present in, click the Chapter Distribution' button in the toolbar to view a chart which quickly shows you the most represented chapters for this remedy:



  10. A new feature in Vision v2.0006 is 'Rule-Out'.

    What is it?

    This new feature allows you to specify that a rubric or rubrics should be used to rule out or remove the remedies in the marked rubrics from the repertorisation.

    If you are familiar with the Elimination approach in Vision then you know that in the rep chart this only displays remedies that are contained in the rubric(s) marked as Eliminating. If a remedy is not contained in those rubric(s) they are disregarded. Think of Rule-Out as the opposite of Eliminative. Any remedies included in a rubric marked as Rule-Out are removed from the repertorisation.

    Why might you use it?

    If you see a patient who is always very Hot, you can take into your repertorisation select the opposite (polar) Cold rubric. If you mark this rubric as a ‘Rule-Out’ rubric and analyse in this way Vision will remove all ‘cold’ remedies from the chart.

    With this technique you improve selection of remedies by removing all definitely ‘cold’ remedies. You see, many remedies are not clearly defined as "Hot" or "Cold". Many are not defined at all. Many are defined as both Hot and Cold. This way you can make sure you are focusing on all remedies that are definitely not Cold.

    Other examples could be: 

    Rule out ‘Talkative’ remedies if you see a Quiet, taciturn person
    Rule out ‘Cowardly’ remedies if you see a Strong, assertive person
    Rule out ‘Thirstless’ remedies if you see a Thirsty person

    Rule out ‘Sudden onset’ if you a person whose problems have developed Slowly

    There are many other potential rule out rubrics you could use such as:

    Sides (Left, Right)

    and so on.

    How to use it

    Place your rubrics on the clipboard as usual. Select and mark any rubric to be used to rule out remedies using the the Rule-Out button as shown below:


    Click Repertorise and in this example you will see remedies such as Sil, Ars & Phos as the leaders in the case. Now simply click ‘Rule Out’ in the toolbar to remove/rule out all remedies that are angry as our patient is most definitely not an angry person.

    After clicking Rule-Out’ the repertorisation is re-displayed removing all angry remedies. Now you can see the leaders have become Kali-c, Cuprum, Lobelia and Euphrasia. (Note the rule out rubrics remedies are blanked out on the chart but the rubric is retained as part of the case so you can continue re-repertorising trying other methods)




  11. Introduced in Vision version 2.0006 this edition of the Complete is available as an option to purchase with Vision. This edition of Complete cannot be added to Vision version 1 - it can only be purchased for use with Vision version 2. If you are a Vision v2 user make sure you download the free upgrade to v2.0006 and then you can purchase and use this new edition of Complete. The author offers a chargeable upgrade to Complete 2023 at an attractive price to users of previous versions.

    To buy a new copy of Complete click here.
    To upgrade your current Complete to the 2023 edition click here.

    What's new and improved?

    Psychological Themes rubrics have been removed from the Mind chapter and relocated into a dedicated new chapter

    Dreams rubrics have also been relocated into a new dedicated chapter

    Source materials
    Many classic additions were included from the six vol. of CG Raue’s Annual Record of Homoeopathic Literature, collected between 1870 and 1875 (28.600+ additions). These amalgamations of homeopathic literature have been at the base of many later Materia Medica, including C. Hering’s Guiding Symptoms. Hering worked on Raue’s volumes and incorporated much of them in his work.

    Besides these classic additions, extra emphasis was put onto adding contemporary cases, specifically those on the Interhomeopathy website (, for once not working in chronological order as usual ; ). 400+ cases based on J Scholten’s systematic method of finding remedies were thus added, resulting in 40.000+ additions from many colleagues. This website also features several published cases based on R Sankaran’s psychology-oriented, yet also systematic method, which were included. I hope the results lead to higher use of the remedies involved and the methods applied, worthwhile, also combined with the fact that lots of proving information has been added (the Lanthanides) many years ago for quite some of these remedies, allowing the new grading-rules to do their work! This clinical work will have a positive affect on the gradings of the remedies involved.

    More new source additions: 58035 (mostly from TF Allen’s Encyclopedia)
    More new remedy additions: 12035 (mostly from TF Allen’s Encyclopedia)

    Work on grading
    The gradings of the remedies in the Complete Repertory 2023 have been rechecked and recalculated based on the original source information whenever possible, taking proving information, information from cured cases and information from phytotherapy (eclectic medicine, herbal medicine) into consideration. The biggest gain has been made in promoting Boeninghausen’s lowest degree entries of remedies into Boeninghausen’s second degree (symptoms seen in two or more provers). This will have a very beneficial result when using these grades in analysis.

    More important changes in grading: 67000 more entries with clinical confirmations (3th & 4th degree Boenninghausen). Confirmations increased from 26 % in the 2021 version to 28,35 %, which is a big deal and a validation for the work done on the Allen project, together with the more additions in the 2th degree (2th degree Boenninghausen, missing in Kent, Kent’s 2th degree is the 3th degree Boenninghausen, as Boenninghausen’s grade system is used in the Complete Repertory)!

    New remedies/additions of small remedies
    From the clinical cases offered by many colleagues past and present, quite some new remedies (57) and additions for remedies with scarce info have found their way into the Complete Repertory 2023.

     Complete 2023

  12. Development of Vision version 1 was discontinued in 2020 when it was superceded by Vision version 2.

    On April 1st 2023 all technical support for Vision version 1 will be discontinued. You will still be able to download and activate your old Vision version 1 system using our website. You will be able to access all the FAQ’s on our website – but you will not be able to receive personalized support from us by email or phone.

    It is important to note that nothing will stop working if it is currently working on your computer. However recent technical developments on Windows and Mac are making it difficult for version 1 to continue running and you may start to experience increasing difficulties as time passes. Older dongle versions will no longer work at all.

    Windows 7 support was discontinued in 2020 and Windows 8 has not been supported by Microsoft since 2016. Microsoft has stopped full support for Windows 8.1 and will stop all support in 2023. Microsoft is continually updating Windows 10 and has now released Windows 11.

     As a consequence of these continued changes all versions of Vision older than 2017 (specifically versions before v1.0035) may experience problems starting up. This started to be reported to us in January 2022 (no doubt due to an upgrade to Windows). Users who have updated their old version 1 system to v1.0035 may not yet be experiencing any issues (however it is possible that problems may arise in the near future). If you have not updated your Vision version 1 and your Windows system is set to update then Vision may stop running at some point.

     It is therefore sensible to consider updating your Vision to version 2. This is the currently maintained, developed and updated version. Version 1 is no longer maintained and no further upgrades to Version 1 will be released. Vision version 2 is not only technically up to date, but also brings you valuable new 'homeopathic' improvements. In addition, all customers who upgrade to Version 2 receive Knerr's Repertory in the English original and also Sherr's AIDS and Covid repertories. You can also choose to purchase additional repertories and books that are available only for version 2.

    To see improvements made in Vision version 2 click here:

    To purchase an upgrade to version 2 click here 

  13. There are several steps in order to use Vision on a new computer. You must follow this procedure. There is no other way. You cannot manually copy Vision from one computer to another. Vision must always be downloaded and installed on a new computer. (** if your computer crashed and the hard disk was changed or re-formatted these instructions also apply **).

    Please follow these steps in the order presented below.

    Backup any Vision patient data files

    If your computer crashed and you have lost access to Vision then you will need to locate your last successful backup file and jump to the next step. If you did not previously take a backup and have lost access to Vision then you will have lost your patient data files entirely.

    To take a backup of any Vision patient data files:

    1. Start Vision.
    2. Click the File menu option Backup/Restore
    3. Click on each of the options under Backup – with exception of ‘Configuration Files’. Your screen should look like this:


    4. Decide where you are going to save your Vision data files to. Will it be to a USB stick that you plan to use on your new computer? Will you save to the Cloud e.g. OneDrive, GoogleDrive, DropBox etc?

    5. Once you have decided click the Backup button and then select the destination so that Vision knows where you want the backup file saved. Safely secure your Vision backup data file which will be a ZIP file.

    Deactivate your Product Key

    On this website you should deactivate the key yourself. Here is a link:

    Download and Install Vision on your new computer

    Download the correct version for your Vision system from our website. Here is a link:

    Once the Vision installer file has downloaded start installation by clicking on the file. Each web browser is different so you need to work out how to do that for yourself. On Chrome it is a simple click on the file name bottom left corner of the screen.

    The installer always recommends the folder c:vision2 to install Vision into and we strongly recommend you stay with this. If you do need to change it make a careful note of which disk and folder you use.

    Run Vision and activate your key

    Once installation is complete close down your web browser and a new Vision icon will now be displayed on your Desktop. Double click to start Vison for the first time on your new computer.

    Vision will display an opening screen and tell you Vision is not activated. Click the Activate button and on the next screen insert your Product Key. Take care to ensure that if you see I in your Key it should be a capital I not the letter L or the Number 1

    Restore your Vision Backup

    Once Vision is activated you can click the Continue button and Vision start.

    1. Click the File menu option Backup/Restore
    2. Click on each of the options under Restore– with exception of ‘Configuration Files’. Your screen should look like this:


    3. Locate your Backup file (on USB stick or the Cloud) and ready that for use.
    4. Click the Restore button and tell Vision where your backup file is located. All your backup data will be restored into this copy of Vision

    Check for Updates

    Now you have Vision v2.0000 up and running you need to check for updates. On the same Download page you used previously:

    there is a button for you to access any upgrades. Here is a shortcut link to the latest upgrade for Vision v2:

    Use this to download and install any upgrades that are available. Make sure that you install all upgrades into the same folder you used when installing Vision initially. The installer recommends c:vision2 and we strongly recommend you stay with this.

    Once all upgrades have been downloaded and installed you are now ready to use Vision again!

    Note that installing upgrades does not require you to activate Vision again.

  14. Apple is releasing an upgrade to their macOS named Ventura

    Vision v2 has been tested with Ventura and works perfectly.

    It is important for you to give Vision access and authorisation when prompted durng installation and on first run. This includes access to the Documents folder and also to install the required Rosetta support software that Aple provides.  

  15. An upgrade is available for all Vision v2 users. V2.0005 is for both Windows & Mac. 

    This is a free upgrade for v2 users. It contains Knerr's Repertory (new) and a revised Boericke Repertory as well as new features and many improvements. New resources are available to buy with this upgrade, namely: Complete Repertory 2021 and Vermeulen Books.

    This upgrade does not apply to Vision version 1 users. 

    To read about this upgrade and to download please click below:-


  16. Introduced in Vision version 2.0005 these books are all available as an option to purchase with Vision. None of these books can be purchased for Vision version 1 - they can only be purchased for use with Vision version 2. If you are a Vision v2 user make sure you download the free upgrade to v2.0005 once you have purchased any Vermeulen book in order to gain access.

    The books available are:

    • Concordant Reference 1
    • Synoptic Reference 1
    • Prisma
    • Fungi
    • Monera (Bacteria & Viruses)

    When you need to read and check the detail of a remedy – choose Concordant!. You no longer need to check all of the old books one by one – Concordant compiles all of that information into one volume. Concordant will become your essential reference book.

    When you need to quickly grasp the picture of a remedy consult Synoptic.

    Where Concordant provides details of all known symptoms (provings and cured symptoms) for a remedy, Synoptic summarises into an easy-to-understand picture. Synoptic also contains an invaluable new feature called a Plus Group - this helps you quickly grasp the core of each remedy.

    Prisma is for those who wish to understand the nature of a remedy especially with regard to the substance from which it is derived. The doctrine of signatures is examined with relation to each substance and expanded with modern information and understanding that was not available at the time of the original provings.

    Fungi attempts to expand our knowledge and application of the fungal remedies which are poorly represented in our literature. It does this by providing a 'key' for each remedy which is created by combining toxocoligical and mycological information along with medicinal uses and fungal lore and also, of course, homeopathic symptoms where available.

    Monera (Bacteria & Viruses)
    A highly topical explanation of the contents of these kingdoms in homeopathic lietrature. Where Bacteria are the origin of all life on Earth, Viruses have no life of their own and require other metabolisms to proliferate. 

    To purchase and add any Vermeulen books to your Vision system please click here 

    Here is more information on Concordant and Synoptic :

    Concordant Reference

    Information on 918 remedies with an additional 289 remedies added into the ‘Relations’ section of the remedy they most closely resemble

    Symptoms are from provings/poisonings (mainly Allens Encyclopedia – which itself included all of Hahnemanns Materia Medica Pura)  and from cases (mainly Herings Guiding Symptoms). This provides a rounded, complete explanation of each remedy all in one volume.

    Each of the following works has been used to compile almost everything into Concordant Reference:

    1. W. Boericke – Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, 9th ed.

    2. C.M. Boger – A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica, 4th ed. and Boeninghausen’s Characteristics and Repertory.

    3. A. von Lippe - Key Notes & Red Line Symptoms of the Materia Medica.

    4. T.F. Allen - A Primer of Materia Medica for Practitioners of Homoeopathy.

    5. A. & D.T. Pulford – Homoeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures and Clinical Comments.

    6. A.C. Cowperthwaite – A Text-Book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.

    7. J.T. Kent – Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica, 6th ed., and Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica.

    8. J.H. Clarke – A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica.

    9. C. Hering – Condensed Materia Medica and Hering’s Guiding Symptoms of the Materia Medica.

    10. T.F. Allen – Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics and Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.

    Concordant alsoshows the source (as above) of all entries. Families of remedies are also shown with up to date scientific nomenclature provided for each remedy.

    Synoptic Reference

    This work provided a ‘synopsis’ or summarised picture of 500 remedies. 

    All sources used have been checked and verified by Frans – with the need to often correct errors arising from original translations and errors of misunderstanding by old authors.

    Each remedy has a section showing its leading Symptoms. Further, the Substance of each remedy is explained and additional sections on Affinities, Strange, Rare & Peculiar and  Foods & Fluids are provided.

    An innovation called the ‘Plus Group’ is also provided for each remedy.  This contains those things that are characteristic or distinct for each remedy. The more entries from the Plus Group your case has, the better the match to the remedy in your case.


  17. This repertory was released with Vision version 2.0005. It is provided freely to all Vision version 2 users.

    The full name of this work is : "Repertory Of Hering's Guiding Symptoms Of Our Materia Medica" by Calvin Knerr.

    As the name implies this repertory is derived from the provings compiled by Hering along with practical results observed in many cases. Knerr worked as an assistant to Hering himself, married one of Herings daughters and had direct experience of all of his work. In fact, Knerr himself eventually completed and published Herings Guiding Sympytoms.

    Remedies are assigned 4 grades in this repertory:

    1. The symptom has been occasionally confirmed 

    2. Has been repeatedly confirmed but if it has only been confirmed once that was seen to be in keeping with the overall character of the remedy

    3. Denotes it has been seen as part of a verified cured case

    4. Repeatedly verified and seen in practice



  18. Complete Repertory 2021

    Introduced in Vision version 2.0005 this edition of the Complete is available as an option to purchase with Vision. This edition of Complete cannot be added to Vision version 1 - it can only be purchased for use with Vision version 2. If you are a Vision v2 user make sure you download the free upgrade to v2.0005 in order to purchase and use this new edition of Complete. The author offers a chargeable upgrade to Complete to users of previous versions (see below)

    New information incorporated:

    312,000 additions have been made by using data from Knerr's Repertory, an increase of 29,000 additrons compared to the 2020 edition.

    Many additions to partial rubics have been made using the remedy information contained in more specific rubrics  - this information are called 'donor-receptor' additions. Here is an example:


    In total, 46969 source additions have been made compared to the 2020 edition, most of these coming from the work derived from Knerr and some new remedy additions. There are 7 new remedy additions made :


    To add Complete Repertory 2021 into your Vision click here.

    To upgrade an older version of Complete into the latest 2021 edition click here:

    Please note: Complete 2021 is available Vision for Windows and Vision for Mac. 

  19. An Urgent case 

    Dr Vijayarkar passed recently. He was an inspiration to many and thousands of homeopaths were devastated to hear of his death. Many years ago he called me from India unexpectedly one Friday night - I thought it might be a good way to remember him if I re-printed this article:

    One Friday Night....David Witko and Dr Pravin Jain

    Every now and again something happens that re-affirms your belief in homeopathy. This is a telling of just one of those times................

    Last Friday at 7pm, at the end of a long day spent testing and re-testing the new (ISIS) Vision I was resting at home when the phone rang. The caller was my wife's sister, Sheila. Sheila is the lovely lady who happens to work in Miccant preparing and shipping all of those Vision and Akiva systems for our customers. She said 'David - Ruth (our tech support ladty at the time) has just been the phone....apparently Pravin from Mumbai just messaged her on MSN - someone has been taken very ill - can you please contact Pravin urgently?' 

    So I logged on right away and Pravin was waiting for me. Pravin is an associate of the Predictive School of Homeopathy in Mumbai. Apparently, a close family member of Pravin's mentor, the renowned Dr Prafull Vijayarkar, had been taken ill while on board a ship near the UK. In fact things were so serious that the man had been taken off the ship and transported directly to the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary in Scotland. 

    Pravin asked if I was near to Abderdeen as Dr Vijayarakar needed a remedy taking directly to the hospital. I replied that I was at least a 7-8 hour drive away!! A mutual contact was found who had already been contacted, Praveen Kumar who, with his generous and energetic spirit, had already obtained Nux vom 200c somewhere in Birmingham at 8pm on a Friday night and who had set off at high speed up the motorway to Aberdeen with his son.

    I vainly tried ringing all 11 of our Miccant homeopathic customers in Aberdeen to see if we could short-cut an 8 hour drive. I received 11 voicemail messages (understandable on a Friday night).

    Following further dialog with Pravin in Mumbai Dr Vijayarkar called me to explain that the man in question...'was 55 years old working as an engineer on the ship which was docked in the port of Aberdeen. The man developed a fever with shivering coming and going over 4-5 days which did not respond to treatment given on board ship. 

    He had fever with severe body aches and excessive pain in the lumbar region. The captain of the ship had given him Combiflam (an anti-inflammatory medicine) after which the fever suddenly came down and he perspired profusely. He phoned his wife in the USA and told her that after many days illness he felt much better because the fever had reduced so drastically. But he had become cold and clammy. After this his urine output started decreasing, and he had developed swelling on the face and body. On the 3rd day he started to develop breathlessness on talking. 

    He was then taken to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary where he was suspected of having a urinary tract infection. He checked into the hospital at 3.00 pm and by 5.00 pm he had found it more and more difficult to walk and talk. So he was advised that further investigation was required.Scans and x-rays showed pleural effusion and pericardial effusion and he was then admitted to the hospital. He was primarily diagnosed with renal failure as his Creatinine levels were raised up. His serum potassium also was increased. The doctors in the hospital suspected Acute Bacterial Infection spreading to the lungs and heart, leading to borderline cardiac enlargement with cardiac myopathy. 

    As the day progressed he became even worse and he started losing alertness and finally he lost consciousness and went into a comatose state. He was immediately moved to the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) and was put on life support. 

    The poor man was alone in Aberdeen, and there was no one with him. His wife and son and daughter in law were all in the USA. Only the colleagues on ship who had taken him to the hospital were with him . His wife wanted to get to the UK, but could not do so as she did not have the necessary VISA and the consulate of the USA was closed for independence day preparations.

    Dr Vijayarkar explained that 'only Nux vom was needed in a case like this' and we had to get it to him before it was too late. Feeling a little helpless I called Praveen Kumar, who was further up the motorway, to offer just a few words of advice. I advised him that on arrival he was to say he was a family member who had been alerted to the condition of his relative and that he wanted to be with him. I further advised that he should not introduce himself as a doctor and certainly not to say he was a homeopath! 

    Dr Vijayarkar had advised me that in cases like this he always wanted the remedy to be rubbed into the cheeks of the comatose patient. So the fate of this man rested with the redoubtable Praveen Kumar - who had to drive 8 hours overnight, penetrate the ICU and unobtrusively administer the remedy! 

    When Praveen Kumar arrived he found the man on:- 

    1. Continuous dialysis
    2. Ventilator 
    3. Heart line inserted for monitoring

     And Praveen noted that a mild fever was persisting. Nux-vom 200c was administered on the cheek as instructed. 

    Within 25 minutes – the persisting fever came down. After 2 hours the man opened his eyes. After another 30 minutes – the doctors reduced the ventilator from 14 to 7. After another 30 minutes – the ventilator was stopped and withdrawn. By the evening hemodialysis was stopped and it was given only once more. The man had come to his normal senses in 4-5 hrs and started talking. One day later he was talking to everyone and spoke to Dr. Vijayakar on phone and was eating! 


    Now - those of you who have attended any of my lectures and presentations may know of my talk on 'Embryology and Homeopathy' which is directly attributable to the pioneering work of Dr Vijayarkar. Normally I restrict my introductory lecture to the explanation of Herings Laws of Cure and Embryology as Dr Vijayarkar has taught me to pass on. With this case however I have a clear opportunity to show you how Dr Vijayarkar analyses such situations and how his great expertise can literally save lives! 

    Explanation and Analysis by Dr Vijayarkar:

    The only 'history' which I could get was from 2 sources:-

    1. The physician attending him in the ICU reported that when he was bought to the hospital that he was cold and clammy

    2. His wife reported how he developed fever and how medication was taken and how he felt instant relief from this anti-inflammatory. She further said that, on the morning of admission, when he was talking to her on the phone, he sounded very irritated when she did not answer his questions properly. This was very unusual for an otherwise calm person. She further stated, that he told her of passing less urine despite his thirst being very good. On that day whilst on the phone, he would talk only about his health and did not even ask about other members of the family. 

    So what was the situation? How do we homeopaths look at such a case? 

    Sudden renal failure – the kidneys and other organs were failing fast. All reports of urine culture and sensitivity were showing no presence of infection. But the CT scan showed necrosis of kidney tissue.  This immediately leads us to the SYPHILITIC Miasm i.e. Onset of destruction in kidney tissue. Our remedy therefore needs to be known as a syphilitic remedy.

    Sudden development of renal failure, pleural effusion and pericardial effusion. Within 2 days, the disease had spread from renal shutdown to cardiac myopathy. So something which started as an inflammatory process (psora - inflammation of kidney tissue) proceeded to the destruction of the tissue (necrosis of kidney - syphilitic) with an intermediate stage of sycosis (pleural effusion and pericardial effusion)

    Therefore SPEED = FAST and therefore the remedy we need to administer also has to be fast (acting).

    Causation? There was no obvious mental causation. The only ascertainable causation was the taking of the anti inflammatory medicine.

    Physical Generals - Thermals = Chilly

    Thirst – his wife said, inspite of his thirst being good, his urine output was reduced.

    Mental disposition – He was irritable and was angry when obliged to answer.

    So which remedies are Angry when obliged to answer and also Chilly?

    Rx to immediately consider: Nux-v, Ars, Phos-ac.

    However he did not have the anxiety and anticipation of Ars. Also he was not dull and sullen as Phos-ac would be.

    Nux-v is a fast remedy that is angry, chilly, thirsty, and overall covers abuse of allopathic medications.

    Before the allopaths could even diagnose what to do, homeopathy had cured him!

    Added Note:
    Prafull was giving this explanation entirely from memory over the phone without consulting any repertories or books. I worked this small case into Vision and present to you the analysis:
