Complete Repertory

Complete Repertory is the world’s leading homeopathic repertory and is used by many homeopathic teachers. You can purchase this repertory and add it into your Vision system for amazing benefits when analysing cases!

  • Checked and re-checked back to original classical sources for superb accuracy.
  • Additions made by referencing classic books, seminars and periodicals.
  • Highest % of verified repertory additions traced back to original sources.
  • All authors who contributed repertory additions clearly shown with name of publication.
  • More new remedy additions from modern provings than any other repertory (see chart below).
  • Trusted editing of rubrics and remedies to remove inaccuracies and errors.
  • Rubrics are cross-referenced to help you find similar rubrics you may not be aware of (see example below).
  • Valuable new chapters not found elsewhere e.g. Clinical, Themes, Anatomy and Associations.
Better results when used with Vision!
When used together with Vision you get tremendous benefits compared to using Complete Repertory in other formats. Here are some examples:
  • Click on any remedy in any rubric and instantly see all details about the remedy e.g. Full Name, Classification, Keynotes, Relationships
  • View all materia medica entries for any remedy in Complete (where mm data exists) – potentially hundreds of volumes of materia medica quickly opened up for you to read in a few seconds (big time-saver!)
  • Quickly search all materia medica for any remedy in any rubric to look for expressions in original source materia medica data e.g. look to find original proving expression
  • View the Complete as if it were a repertory book on screen
  • Type a letter or two and quickly jump to that position in the repertory chapter
  • Type in search words and search all of the Complete and also all other repertories on your system
  • Searching with the Vision database of synonyms helps find all similar and hard to find  rubrics
  • See the cross references and immediately jump to the cross referenced rubrics (huge time saver!)
  • Take current rubric and all cross referenced ones to immediately create a super-rubric containing all the remedies in those rubrics (power-feature!)
  • Superior range of repertorisation methods, charts and features


To read about the improvements made in the 2024 edition click here

To read about the improvements made in the 2023 edition click here

To read about the improvements made in the 2021 edition click here

To read about the improvements made in the 2020 edition click here

To read about the improvements made in the 2018 edition click here

Cross References
Vision enhances the use of the Complete Repertory by providing thousands of cross-references to rubrics. These cross-references can be helpful to advise you of other similar rubrics you may prefer to work with. To quickly re-position the repertory to any desired rubric you would simply highlight the cross-references and click the Find button.

This valuable cross-reference feature enhances your knowledge of the repertory by suggesting alternatives to the rubrics you are familiar with.  It also saves you time by helping avoid having to browse and hunt in the repertory for elusive rubrics. Here is an example taken from the Mind chapter:


Vision also allows you to create a 'super-rubric' comprising all of the remedies in the current rubric and all cross-referenced rubrics. This allows you to generalise a condition to make sure you do not miss any remedy that has an association with the condition - essential if you wish to work with newer remedies.  To do this you would simpy click the
Combine All button.

New Remedies and Additions
Here is a chart showing all the additions made to Complete and comparing various repertories and editions:


If you are currently using an older edition of Complete and wish to upgrade please contact one of our distributors who can check which edition you are using and advise on upgrading.

Clinical chapter
The Clinical chapter provides a quick, central reference point for those rubrics associated with disease conditions or syndromes. Remedies associated with these conditions are displayed and the rubrics can be easily dragged to the clipboard and used to repertorise. 

Here is an example:


These clinical conditions are further enhanced in Vision with the use of the rubric cross-references. The little cross-hatch after each rubric can be clicked to reveal a list of rubrics with correspondence to the selected condition.  Here is another example:









The Themes chapter in Complete is derived from the original work of Dr Jose Mirillin in Brazil. Dr Mirilli reviewed the original provings found in Hahnemann, Hering and Allen and compiled a list of theme words that encapsulated all of the proving expressions. Then he reviewed the repertory and associated rubrics with these themes.

This has been extended to rubrics in the Complete and by association all of the remedies present in those rubrics. This allows you to work in a thematic way and to take any of the the various thematic rubrics onto a clipboard for analysis. You can choose to take several prominent themes seen in your case and analyse only those to see the leading remedies or you can choose the primary theme in the case and analyse along with outher physical rubrics.

The thematic aproach saves you from having to decide on which precise rubric or group of rubrics to repertorise. As below if your patient is full of anxiety and worries you would simply take the theme cares, worries confident in the knowledge that all remedies asociated with that will be inlcuded in the repertorisation


Anatomical Index
The Anatomical Index chapter is list of every part of the body usung modern anatomical descrptions. There are no rubrics and remedies in this chapter.

It is extremely useful if you have symptoms or diseases connected with a very specific part of the body. You can locate it in this chapter and if there is the Vision cross-reference symbol next to the body part you can click it to see all of the rubrics in the main part of the repertory


Clicking on the cross-reference symbol reveals a list of potential rubrics to use located elsewhere in the main part of the repertory. You can highlight one and jump to it in the repertory by clicking the Find button. This is a huge time saver!


Remedy Associations
The Remedy Associations chapter is a valuable reference  to every remedy in the repertory. By typing a few letters to identify the remedy you are looking for, Vision will jump to that remedy and display all the association information about it. This information contains compiled from may diferent sources and includes such things as:

Naming and Classification of the remedy. Complements, Follows well,  Similar action, Concordances and other remedies similar to it in various parts of the body taken
from Boenninghausen


The new Complete Repertory is the latest available repertory for all homeopaths. It includes all the latest remedies that have been proved and always gives the source for them unlike other repertories. It is easy to use and even gives cross references to other similar rubrics which is always a useful feature. It works brilliantly with the framework of the intuitive Isis software." Rochelle Marsden

"This is a gem of work by the author as adding rubrics with cross references has made the work simpler and easier for the practioner for easily coming to the indicated remedy and I would highly recommend it for every practioner." Dr Ankush Chopra

"I have access to all the repertories currently available but time and time again I find that the Complete Repertory consistently gives me results that lead to the client's remedy. Thank you Roger van Zandvoort for once again updating it to make it even better - I heartily recommend this repertory for any practicing homeopath!" Kim Kalina 

The author of Complete Repertory is Roger van Zandvoort:
