Keyboard Shortcuts

Vision for Mac version 2 


⌘+C – Copy
⌘+X – Cut
⌘+V – Paste
⌘+A – Select All          
⌘+Z – Undo   
⌘+O - Settings/Options
⌘+W  and also ESC – Close current window
⌘+Q - Exit Vision
⌥+N – Start a new case/repertorisation
⌥+O – Open an existing case/repertorisation
⌥+S  –  Save the current case/repertorisation
⌥+R – Open repertories to browse
⌥+M – Open materia medicas to browse
⌥+D – Open dictionary to browse
⌥+P – Open patient database
⌥+F – Search
⌥+C – Open remedy compare
⌥+X – Open remedies list to browse
⌥+1 to 0 – Open associated clipboard
⌥+Q – Repertorisation analysis
⌥ +I – Insights analysis
⌥+, – Preferences
⌥+T – Themes

Repertory Browse
Ctrl+F – Open search window within current repertory
Page Down – scroll down rubrics to next ‘page’
Page Up – scroll up rubrics to previous ‘page’
Home – jump to start of current chapter
End – jump to end of current chapter
Enter – add selected rubric to clipboard 1
Spacebar – Toggle display of remedies on/off (Hide/Show remedies)
Down arrow – scroll rubrics down
Up arrow - scroll rubrics up
Ctrl + A – Select and highlight all rubrics currently displayed. Toggles as Deselect.
Ctrl + C – Copy selected rubric(s) to the Windows clipboard
Ctrl + H – Toggle Hierarchical repertory view on/off
Ctrl + B – Change repertory
Ctrl + Q – Select new repertory chapter
Ctrl + Z – Undo a hyperlink jump and go back to previous rubric in Complete Repertory
Shift + N – Jump to next repertory in tree list
Shift + P – Jump back to previous repertory in tree list

Del/Delete - Delete selected rubrics
Spacebar – Toggle display of remedies on/off
Ctrl + A – Select all rubrics on clipboard
Ctrl + Z – Undo prior deletions

Repertorisation Chart
Ctrl+R – find remedy in chart
Home – jump back to first remedy in chart
End = jump to last remedy in chart
Right arrow – scroll chart to the right
Left arrow – scroll chart to the left
Down arrow – scroll chart rubrics down
Up arrow = scroll chart rubrics up
Ctrl + C – Copy current chart screen to Windows clipboard as an image
Ctrl + P – Print chart

Materia Medicas
Page Down – scroll down to next ‘page’
Page Up – scroll up to previous ‘page’
Down arrow – scroll text down
Up arrow - scroll text up
Ctrl + F – Find a word in current chapter/remedy