Convert data from Vision for Windows to Vision for Mac

Converting your Vision data from Windows to Mac requires you to run a special utility program on Windows. Once your Windows data has been converted into Mac format you need to copy the converted data file to your Mac. Finally you need to run another special conversion app on your Mac to load the data into Vision for Mac. Here is a step by step guide:

On Windows

Firstly take or retrieve a backup using Vision - this is a zip file created when you click File, Backup from within Vision. Make sure you know where this file is located on your Windows computer.

Secondly you need to download and install a special utility program to run on your Windows computer. Here is a link:

Thirdly: Once installed run it - the name of the utility is:


It will ask you to specify the location of the Vision backup zip file. Point it to that file and click the Save button. This will create a new backup zip file in the same folder as the original with the same file name but with the word CONVERTED added into the file name.

Copy this file to a USB memory stick or upload to the cloud using your preferred Cloud solution. 

On Mac

1. Connect your USB memory stick (or access your Cloud solution) and copy the converted zip file onto your Mac.

2. Download the special Mac conversion app using this link:

3. Once downloaded to your Mac drag the zip file out of the Downloads folder and place it somewhere convenient such as the desktop. Double click (open) the zip file and the app will extracted to the same location.

4. Run the app named:


This app will ask you for the location of the converted zip file from Windows and then copy everything into the correct location on your Mac.

If you have lots of data to be converted to Mac format it can take quite a while to copy everything over - so please be patient. Once it is finished you can simply start Vision for Mac and access all of your data!